1944-D Mint Mark Wheat Back Pennies

Here are four 1944-D mint mark wheat back pennies from my treasure trove of old American coins. These are very common dates for seasoned collectors but I wanted to point something out about black dirty coins.

As you can see the old wheat penny on the bottom left corner is black and dirty. I would say it has probably been in a fire but it's not uncommon to see old copper coins turn this color for various reasons. As you can see when you zoom in you cannot make out the date unless you have very good eyes. When I shine a bright light on it I can make out the date and mint mark easily.

When you are collecting these old American coins you have to have a strong light to apply to the worn out and dirty ones. Otherwise you are not going to be able to see what you have. A magnifying glass, jewelers lens or a good smartphone with a nice zoom camera are also must haves for serious collectors.
